$30.00 USD

Peace Through Chaos Workshop

Use code BFTIME for 50% off for Black Friday! (code valid through Monday, November 27th)

As a busy mom of 3, homeschooling, & running 3 businesses, my time is very very precious! I want to be a present mom, but also have a successful career! I had to learn how to manage my time wisely! & I've learned the tools that help set me up for success so that I can tackle my to-do list AND be more present! If working harder was the key to success, we wouldn't have hard workers who are still poor. I know this workshop will serve you, my friend!

Here are some tools you can expect upon diving into this 2 hour workshop!

Daily Schedule & Assessment Tools:

Session 1: Foundational Framework

Session 2: Agenda Skeleton

Learn things like:

You will learn things like:
🔹how to time block
🔸how to set boundaries
🔹common pitfalls of time management
🔸top 5 golden rules of better time management
🔹how to stop people pleasing